Bronwen Robertson, Director and Co-Founder, Data4Change
Bronwen Robertson, Director, co-founder of Data 4 Change. © Stephen Gerard Kelly

Michael Pope, Lead Singer of electronic music band Le Galaxie
Michael Pope of electronic music band Le Galaxie peforms in Dublin’s Academy Theater, Ireland. © Stephen Gerard Kelly
Yasmine Diab, UNICEF GIL Event, Lebanon
© Stephen Gerard Kelly / UNICEF

Aya lost part of her hand playing next to farm machinery
“Our patient Aya, who is as old as the Syrian Crisis, has known no life other than that of a refugee in Lebanon. She lives with her family of eight in al-Qaa, a town on the northeastern Lebanese-Syrian border. While playing in the farm her family lives on, she severely injured her hand in one of the grass-cutting machines." #onassignment #syriacrisis #syrianchildren © Stephen Gerard Kelly, ICRC

Calvin James, Brownsville Motorcycles, Brooklyn
Calvin James participates in an annual African American motorcycle rally, Brownsville, Brooklyn, New York. © Stephen Gerard Kelly

Paddy (8), an Irish Traveller, waits for the bride and groom to arrive at a family wedding.
This is part of a long term project recently screened at the prestigious photography festival Rencontres des Arles. Previously traveling in horse drawn carriages, Irish Travellers are commercial nomads engaged in metalworking, horse-trading and construction. Legal changes governing access to public lands and the establishment of halting sites, semi-permanent locations with services, has had far reaching ramifications on their traditions.

Abud el Ziir, undocumented Lebanese man sits in his home
"I've spent all my my life here," says Abud (44), a member of Hezbollah, in his home in Sabra. "Our problems stem from politics. corruption and meddling of international agendas from the US, Saudi Arabia, Russia and Iran. We are the puppets in their theatre. I want to get out of here. I want better opportunities for my children."