+1 829 380 9629


My upbringing was marked by a sensibility towards oppression, civil rights and equity.  I am raised on a partly independent, still colonized European island where regular violence claimed thousands of innocent lives and it’s hangover continues to shape our worldview. Living for decades in different places suffering many of the same effects of colonization but compounded by race, gender and religion, I have developed a unique, anti-colonial worldview.  As a father and a filmmaker, I use the camera to challenge the status quo, to make us care more for each other and to counter imperialistic structures of power, so that we decolonize our societies to be more sustainable, equitable and peaceful, for the sake of all of our children and the world we will leave them.

If you're looking for a director or professional cinematographer, someone with excellent storytelling skills, someone who cares, be that for independent film (fiction or documentary), corporate social responsibility or non-profit purposes, please reach out and connect with me here.  I am extremely passionate about what I do and give everything I commit to 110%.  You won't be disappointed and I can assure you’re in good hands.

My clients like me and, most importantly, the high quality of the work I produce.

Take care out there,
